Flexible, cost-efficient, tailored to your needs

From full mold casting to 3D sand printing
We have the right process for your project

At Römheld & Moelle, innovation is in our DNA. Iron casting  is our passion.We continuously refine our processes and develop new approaches to make casting work for you, even for smaller quantities.

In addition to traditional sand casting with permanent pattern, Römheld & Moelle specializes in modern alternatives that deliver speed, cost-efficiency, and flexibility. These alternatives include full mold casting , our proprietary ClearCast process, as well as rapid casting using 3D sand printing.

Whether you need to prototypes or produce small series of cast components economically, we have the right process for your project. For part weights from 5kg to 38t.

Full mold casting

Full Mold casting enables fast pattern production at low pattern costs for one-offs and small series. The pattern is milled from foam and remains in the mold, where it evaporates during casting.

Advantages: Speed and flexibility; short lead times; suitable for the production of very large casting; extra design freedom as the pattern can stay in the mold (no need for draft angles); low cost per pattern; easily customized and optimized castings.

Process Characteristics: Pattern residue causes distinctive rough surface on the casting top side; single-use patterns are more cost-effective than permanent patterns for quantities up to approximately 30 pieces.

full mold casting, perfected

ClearCast is a special process, developed in-house at Römheld & Moelle, that combines the benefits of full mold casting with the precision and surface quality of sand casting with permanent patterns. This enables the fast and cost-effective production of individual components with superior surface quality.

Advantages: Surface finish and precision comparable to casting made using permanent patterns, but faster and more flexible; short lead times; suitable for very large castings; eliminates the need for pattern removal, offering maximum design freedom (no draft angles required); low costs per pattern; customization and iterative design changes are possible with ease.

Process characteristics: Slightly higher costs than conventional full mold casting; single-use patterns are economical for quantities up to approximately 25 compared to traditional permanent pattern-based casting.

Printed Casting

Printed Casting is our 3D sand printing process. Molds are created directly, without pattern. Printed molds work exactly as those made with permanent patterns, except there is no need for pattern removal. The molds are poured  alongside traditionally made molds.

Advantages: No pattern costs; no lead times for pattern production; extremely precise molds; fully digital process; highly flexible with increased design freedom; no need for draft angles; rapid iterations for prototype casting; exceptionally fast process; suitable for small series,depending on the size of the workpiece.

Process Characteristics: Suitable for castings up to approximately 3t.

Sand Casting with permanent pattern

Precision and durability define the casting process with permanent pattern. Once constructed, the wooden pattern can produce numerous sand molds, making it ideal for series production or repeat parts.

Advantages: High precision and consistency; reusable pattern, cost-effective for medium to large production volumes.

Process characteristics: Longer lead times due to pattern making process, high pattern costs make it uneconomical for smaller volumes; significant upfront investment (CAPEX), ; incurs storage costs for pattern; limited flexibility in choosing suppliers; design changes possible but costly.